Web resources
The sites listed below are external links recommended by LeadersServe. If you have a suggestion for a link to be added, please contact us.
www.ncd-international.org, The home for Natural Church Development. They operate on the premise that a healthy church will grow and have tools to measure the health of a church in 8 key areas.
www.pastors.com, Rick Warren’s Ministry ToolBox is a weekly newsletter full of tips, links, and articles to help you in your ministry. (also has many other resources for pastors, free sermons, etc.)
www.walkthru.org. Walk Through the Bible has many seminar and resources for training teachers
www.paul-timothy.net/ Training resources for pastors and church planters in multiple languages.
www.assess-yourself.org Free online tests to measure spiritual gifts, character, love for God, Worldview, and obstacles to growth.
www.lared.org A ministry devoted to teaching Biblical principles especially to business persons. Downloadable teaching material in PDF format and audio content.
www.world-map.com Provide free ACTS magazine and the book Shepherd’s Staff to leaders in developing nations.
www.leadersource.org/resources/audio/index.php Audio teachings by Malcolm Webber
www.123test.com/iq-test/ Free intelligence and other tests.
www.biblestudytools.com Free online Bible study tools and resources.
www.biblica.com Free online Bible and Bible study tools.
www.sermonillustrations.com/ Free sermon illustrations on a variety of topics.
www.searchgodsword.org/se/pbm/ Free Powerpoint Bible maps.
www.ebibleteacher.com/ Lots of clip art, pictures, maps and links to other resources.
www.xenos.org/ Vast amount of material from a church, podcasts, sermon notes, outlines, and theological papers.
http://ctmi.org/en/ Church Team Ministries publishes The Church Leader in Africa which can be viewed online.
http://www.cityvision.edu/wiki/christian-freeware#cms, Great list of Christian Freeware and Church Software.
http://pastortrainingresources.com/ good summary of many sites for training pastors and missionaries (also, languages, http://pastortraininglanguages.com/ and http://www.missionaryresources.com/ )
http://www.crosswire.org/applications/ A helpful list of several options for electronic Bible Study.
Free teaching materials by subscription
http://danreiland.com/ Leadership Wired, free email newsletter by John Maxwell and Pastor’s Coach, free email newsletter by Dan Reiland.
www.growingleaders.com The Leadership Link, Resources and free email newsletter by Tim Elmore focused on young leaders.
www.leadersserve.com Reflections for Servant Leaders – biweekly ezine from Jon Byler on servant leadership. Published in English, Spanish and Chichewa
www.pastors.com Ministry ToolBox, a free weekly newsletter from Rick Warren full of tips, links, and articles to help you in your ministry.
http://healthyleaders.com/ Healthy Leaders Digest, leadership articles added weekly. Site maintained by Malcolm Webber.