Free Resources

Booklets available  (Many booklets are available here including The Christian and Authority, Free at Last , Pits Prisons and Palaces, Use that Gift, Preaching to Change Lives, the Church with a Purpose Series, “Steps to Maturity,” The Light Has Come, and more!)

Items from “The Art of Christian Leadership”

Items from “7 Keys to Financial Freedom”

Other Individual documents:

Blog post series:

A Thriving World Series, a series of 5 posts showing how leaders create a thriving world by practicing the Five Actions of Serving Leadership.

The Price of Serving Leadership Series,  A series of 3 blog posts on what serving leadership costs!

Its None Of Your Business Series. How serving leaders view the organizations they lead, a series of 3 blog posts.

Joseph – The Dream of a Servant Leader,  A series of 10 lessons from Joseph’s life about dreams.

Paul’s Leadership Pipeline Series, A close look at 9 actions Paul took to develop leaders.

Serving with Authority Series, how to respect, accept, use and release authority.

Speaking the Truth in Love Series, a series on speaking the truth in love.

Timothy Learning to Lead, A series of 10 ways that Timothy learned to lead.

Other Items:

Names of Jesus  Over 100 names of Jesus. (Developed by Paul Wartman.)

Truth declaration bookmark   A bookmark with identity in Christ declaration

My Identity in Christ  A one page declaration with powerful biblical principles of who we are in Christ.

My Identity in Christ for Women   A modified version for women.

My Identity in Christ for student, A student version

Bible reading plan  A one year plan to read through the Bible.

Tips for Bible Reading Tips for making the plan work.

Spiritual Gifts Inventory. (Copyright 1995 by Gospel Light). A simple inventory to find your spiritual gift.


Taming the Time Monster

Five Actions of Effective Leaders PRESENTERS Booklet

Five Actions of Effective Leaders PARTICIPANT Booklet

Attitudes that build a church

The church God uses


Power of Personality


Race to the Bottom

Successful Family Devotions

The ABCs of Leadership Development

7 Be s of a leader

Home Church Shepherd

How to Lead Your Boss



Praise and Worship Seminar


Rekindling Christ-Like Leadership Jon

Leadership Nuggets from Ephesians