#381, The Price of Serving Leadership: Release Prestige

September 4, 2024

The tremendous impact of serving leadership comes at a high price. Jesus used the occasion of an argument among the disciples to teach them the cost of serving leadership.

24A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. 25Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves (Luke 22:24-26, NIV).

 We have already examined Jesus’ call for His disciples to release their love of positions and their desire for power. The example of leaders eager to be called “benefactors” reveals the final area Jesus calls His disciples to release—prestige. Benefactors are persons who give money or assistance to a person or cause. That sounds like a good thing! But notice that Jesus says these leaders are not called benefactors by others, but they “call themselves Benefactors.”  They want the prestige that comes with being a leader who gives. But they don’t have the heart of a giving leader. They are not serving others, they are serving themselves! They are consumed with prestige.

We can think of prestige as all the honor, privileges, and “perks” that come with leadership. Prestige may include the best seat at the table, the best parking spot, the biggest office, a good vehicle, a special place at the front of the line (or no line at all!), special titles, membership in the exclusive club, special attire, etc.

Serving leaders release prestige as a right.

The Gentile rulers called themselves nice names and expected everyone to give them honor and prestige because of their position. It was their right. They were quickly offended when they were not addressed with the proper title or protocol. Again Jesus calls for a radically different way. “You are not to be like that.” Serving leaders release prestige as a right. They let go of their ego to serve the organization and the people around them. They are not quickly offended when others do not respect them properly. Serving leaders should be the most honored leaders alive because they are the best! They deserve prestige more than dictators and ego-driven leaders. But they release this right to serve others.

Serving leaders reject prestige as a measure.

The leaders Jesus described used prestige as a measure of their value and success. They loved to be recognized as benefactors and made a big show of their importance. But serving leaders reject prestige as a measure of their value or success. They are not concerned with their titles and they are not impressed with the perks that come with their role. They are not afraid to mingle with ordinary people because they are not flaunting their accomplishments. Serving leaders measure their success by their ability to serve others. They see themselves as successful when others around them succeed.

Serving leaders receive prestige as stewards.

Some leaders seek perks and prestige but serving leaders seek to serve. When they receive prestige and honor, serving leaders receive them as gifts with which they are entrusted. They look for ways to bless others with the prestige given to them. They look at and affirm the contributions of others. They consciously seek to bring others into the circle of honor rather than trying to keep them out. Serving leaders don’t refuse prestige but they use it to more effectively serve others.  

Serving leaders are called to release the most coveted symbols of leadership: position, power and prestige. But as they release these things, they also release to their world the impact of leadership that truly transforms, inspires, and energizes those who follow.    

For further reflection and discussion:

  • In my context what are the most common indicators of prestige for leaders? (List at least 5 of them.)   Which of these is the most important to me?
  • Are there ways I am tempted to measure my worth by the perks of my role? Do I like to remind others of those special privileges I have?
  • How concerned am I about my titles? When people don’t use my title or make a mistake about my title, what does it do in my heart? How do I respond? How does that impact my ability to lead as a servant?
  • In what ways can I use the honor and privileges I enjoy to serve others this week?  

Until next time, yours on the journey,

Jon Byler

In the next issue, we’ll begin a new series.  

#380 The Price of Serving Leadership: Release Power  

Issue #380, August 21, 2024

Serving leadership produces thriving in people, organizations, communities and nations. But serving leadership is costly! Leaders who seek to serve consciously and consistently need to release things that are difficult to give up. Jesus talked about the “kings of the Gentiles” as typical leaders but called His disciples to a radically different form of leadership which we call serving leadership. In the previous issue we focused on how the disciples, like most leaders, were looking for positions. Jesus called His disciples to release that to serve.  Power is the second area Jesus calls His disciples to release.

24A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. 25Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves (Luke 22:24-26, NIV).

Jesus’ observation that the Gentile leaders “lord it over them” and “exercise authority over them” highlights their desire for power and authority.

Serving leaders release power as a right.

All leadership roles come with power and authority. The Gentile leaders assumed they had every right to this power. They had likely worked hard to get into the position they occupied and so were not hesitant to use their power for their own advantage. As leaders they were “over them.” They expected people to instantly obey their every command and were ready to remind everyone of the power they possessed. So they lorded it over those they led and exercised authority over them. Power was their right. To this leadership approach Jesus tells His disciples, “You are not to be like that.” Jesus was not telling the disciples that they would not have power, in fact He strategically gave them power and authority (see Matthew 28:19-20). But He was calling them to release their right to have power. They were not called to “lord it over” but to serve. Some leaders see power as their right but serving leaders see power as a gift to serve others.

Serving leaders reject power as a measure.

Typical leaders see their level of power as a measure of their success. The more they have, the better they feel. They are quick to ask others, “Did you see how people moved when I told them….?” But Jesus says, “the one who rules” should be like “the one who serves.” Serving leaders reject power as a measure of their success or worth. Instead, they measure how well they are serving those they lead.  

Serving leaders receive power as stewards.  

The Gentile leaders saw their power as something to be exercised for their own advantage, it was their right. They had worked for their power and would now use it to further their own objectives. But serving leaders see power as a gift given to them for a greater purpose, to serve the organization, their teams, their customers and others. Their role is to properly steward the power entrusted to them. They do not focus on power over others but power for others. Paul is a great example of this attitude when he writes in 2 Corinthians 10:8, “the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than tearing you down…” As a steward of the power received from the Lord, he focused on using that power to build others.

For further reflection and discussion:

  • What power do I have in my current role? (Reflect on the power your role carries with it and how your power is different than those under your leadership.) 
  • What is my heart attitude towards my power? Do I see it as something I have earned or as a gift? Am I ever tempted to let others know the power I hold by asking, “Don’t you know I am the boss?” How has this impacted my ability to influence others?  
  • If I view my power as a gift entrusted to me to serve others, how will that be reflected in the way I lead this week? How will it be reflected when I face opposition to my leadership?  
  • As a serving leader am I ever tempted to not use power because I’m afraid I might misuse it? What might Jesus say to me about that?    

Until next time, yours on the journey,

Jon Byler

In the next issue, we’ll examine how serving leaders pay the price of giving up prestige.  

#379 The Price of Serving Leadership: Release Position

In our exploration of serving leadership, we typically focus on the benefits and rewards of serving others and indeed there are many. But there is also a high price to serving leadership—a price that many are not willing to pay. Serving leadership requires releasing things that many leaders value greatly. In this series we’ll look at three of these costs by reflecting on a teaching of Jesus to His disciples.

24A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. 25Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves (Luke 22:24-26, NIV).

 The disciples are having a dispute about leadership and who would be in the top position. Jesus used the debate to provide insight into the type of leadership He was expecting from His followers. It would be radically different than their struggle for positions and different from what they had seen modeled by others. He states bluntly, “You are not to be like that!” He goes on to describe what it would look like to be “the one who serves.”

The disciple’s desire for position is the first area Jesus calls serving leaders to release.

Serving leaders release position as a right.

The disciples started their argument with the assumption that one of them would be in the top position, the only debate was who it would be. They all wanted to be on the top of the organizational chart and they likely each stated their case for why they would be the greatest. They felt like they had earned the right to that position. Some leaders focus their energy on climbing to the highest position and see others as competitors for that role. They delight in telling others how they worked for their position or earned a promotion. But serving leaders surrender this right, they don’t compete with others to get top positions and are equally able to make an impact when they are “like the youngest.”

Serving leaders reject position as a measure.

The disciples were concerned with who would be the most important person on their team. They assumed that the one who was the highest would be the “greatest.” Leaders often use their position as a measure of their value. If they have a “high” position, they believe they have more value as a person.  

Some leaders see their position as an indication of their greatness and delight in telling others their title and role as an indication of their value to the world. They are eager to mention the numbers of people serving them in the organization, how much income the company is earning, and how things have improved since they are in charge. But serving leaders surrender measuring their value by their position. They seek to be like “the one who serves.”  

Serving leaders receive position as stewards.

Jesus didn’t say that it is wrong to have a position but He rebuked their striving for positions. As we have observed many leaders see their position as a right and an affirmation of their worth. But serving leaders release their right to a position. Then they receive a position as a steward. They see their position simply as a place from which they can serve others and the organization. The higher the position; the more opportunities they see to serve.  

For further reflection and discussion:

  • What is my heart’s attitude towards the position I currently hold? Do I feel entitled to this position because of my hard work? Do I feel the position is beneath what is rightfully mine? Do I long for a higher position? How does my leadership reflect this attitude of my heart?
  • What do I use to measure my value as a leader? Is it related to my position or my impact? How would I view my worth today if my position was stripped away from me and I no longer had a title? How do the words of Jesus challenge me in this area and what can I do to see my value properly?
  • If my position is a gift from God to be used for Him, what difference will that make in how I lead others today?

Until next time, yours on the journey,

Jon Byler

In the next issue, we’ll look at how serving leaders pay the price of giving up power.  

#378 It’s None of Your Business: Serve it

July 24, 2024

Serving leaders surrender their business* or organization and see their role as stewards. They shape the organization by focusing on the value they bring to the world, by developing people and creating a culture of excellence. They also serve the organization by taking time to work on the business. Many leaders spend nearly all of their time working in the business, doing the daily tasks that need to be done. But serving leaders find ways to step back and focus on strategic planning, building leaders and long-term development of the business.  They consider scriptures like these:

“Where there is no revelation [KJV “vision”] people cast off restraint (Proverbs 29:18a, NIV).

28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish’ (Luke 14:28-30).

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty (Proverbs 21:5).

17 Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. 18 You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. 21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 23 If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied” (Exodus 18:17, 18, 21, 23, NIV).

Serving leaders serve the organization by clarifying direction.

Effective organizations have clarity on vision, mission and values. Without clarity on vision people will “cast off restraint” or live carelessly. Leaders who spend all their time in the daily tasks that need to be done fail to provide the direction the organization needs to thrive. Serving leaders take time to work on the organization by clarifying vision, mission and values. They often spend time reminding people of these core elements that bring meaning and purpose to the daily tasks. This clarity results in purpose and meaning in the work and increases the engagement of the hearts of people in what they are doing. Only leaders can clarify direction.

Serving leaders serve the organization by careful planning.

Some leaders are so busy doing the work that they don’t take time to plan for the work. They are too busy to “sit down and estimate the cost.” But serving leaders recognize that part of their role as a leader is to ensure that plans are properly made and carried out. They look down the road and anticipate future challenges and make plans to prepare the organization for long-term success. Only leaders can ensure that adequate planning takes place in an organization.

Serving leaders serve the organization by creating leaders.

Moses was a classic leader trying to do all the work himself when his father-in-law gave him great leadership advice to develop leaders from the people. Some leaders focus on getting the work done through people. But serving leaders focus on developing the people that they have. They understand that they will never have too many leaders in the organization and that only leaders can ensure that the organization is producing leaders.

Remember, it’s not your business! Serving leaders serve the organization by working on it.

For further reflection and discussion:

  • How clear in my organization is our vision (why we exist)? Our mission (what we do that benefits the world)? Our values (How we relate to each other and those we serve)? What do I need to do to make these directional pillars an integral part of our daily work?
  • Do I naturally focus on planning or execution? What does this indicate about who I need to work closely with on my team? Do we take enough time for strategic planning in our organization? If so, reach out to your team and thank them for their work in effective planning and point out how it benefits the organization. If not, when will I schedule time for this?
  • How effectively do I focus on developing leaders in my organization? What is my plan to keep developing leaders? What steps can I take to create an organization that focuses on developing leaders?

Until next time, yours on the journey,

Jon Byler

*Note: In this series we use “business” to apply to any type of organization whether for profit or non-profit. The principles of this series apply to for-profit enterprises, non-profits (such as churches or NGO’s) and any other domain of work and service. 

If you would like a PDF of this series in one document, click here to download.

Beginning with the next issue we will update our branding for this newsletter. The content will remain the same but we will have a new look!”

#377 It’s None of Your Business: Shape it 

July 10, 2024

 We saw in the previous issue that serving leaders recognize that the business* is not theirs, they are stewards. Yet, stewards are not passive bystanders, they are active participants in the work of building and growing an organization. They are called by God to shape the organization as indicated in these verses: 

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground” (Genesis 1:28, NIV).

[Leaders are] to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:12).

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving (Colossians 3:23-24).

Serving leaders take these, and other scriptures, as their mandate to make things happen. God’s original mandate for humans was to “Be fruitful and increase…fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over…” They are called to work hard with their whole heart in the place where God has allowed them to be a steward. Leaders are called to shape their worlds!

Serving leaders shape the organization by building a kingdom focus.

As stewards of a business or organization, serving leaders see their role as building the organization to accomplish God’s purposes in the world. They see their organization as contributing value to the world through the services and products that they offer. Builders create homes where people can live peacefully in safety and security. Bakers make food that sustains the lives of those they serve. Bankers provide opportunities for investments and financial stability. Every honorable profession is a part of God’s plan for a flourishing world! Some leaders are focused on building their own kingdoms, seeking to obtain wealth for themselves and their offspring. But serving leaders focus on a much larger picture. Serving leaders see their work as a small part of a much larger vision of what God is doing on the earth.  They craft a vision statement of how they bring value to the world. Their mission is focused on building and serving others. Their values reflect God’s heart for the way people should relate to each other. They build teams that demonstrate God’s purpose for the variety of strengths He has given. They delegate power and authority in ways that reflect God’s design for human development and flourishing.

Serving leaders shape the organization by building people.

Most leaders are focused on shaping the business or organization they are leading for success or profit. Serving leaders shape the organization by building people. They understand that as they build people and create a healthy culture the organization will grow and succeed. They see their primary role as “to equip” people for work. Serving leaders shape the organization with a focus on the people. 

Serving leaders shape the organization by building a culture of excellence.

Some leaders focus their organization towards profit and are willing to sacrifice quality when it appears to strengthen their bottom line. But serving leaders see themselves as stewards and all they do as an act of worship since they are “working for the Lord.” They honor God with the best product and service they can produce. They strive to create a culture in which people bring “their whole heart” to the task at hand.  They expect and reward excellence.   

Remember, it’s not your business! Serving leaders serve the organization by shaping it.  

For further reflection and discussion:

  • How does my business or organization fit into God’s grand purposes for the
    world? How do our services/products make the world a better place? How
    effectively do I communicate this to the people inside and outside our
  • In what ways am I growing people in my organization? Do I provide salaries
    that allow people to grow and flourish? Do I align people with their own
    strengths and giftings? Am I continually delegating responsibility and
    authority that builds leadership capacity in my organization?
  • How highly do we value excellence in the organization or team I lead? Are
    there areas in which we do not view our work as an act of worship to God and
    worthy of our best effort? How well does our work environment reflect God’s
    desire for beauty and order? What steps can I take this week to encourage and promote a culture of excellence?

Until next time, yours on the journey,

Jon Byler

*Note: In this series we use “business” to apply to any type of organization whether for profit or non-profit. The principles of this series apply to for-profit enterprises, non-profits (such as churches or NGO’s) and any other domain of work and service.  In the next issue, we’ll look at how serving leaders serve the business.

#376 It’s None of Your Business: Surrender it

June 19, 2024 

Leaders influence and impact the realm where they have authority. This may be at home, in their office or department, in the church they lead or in the business they operate. They naturally feel a sense of ownership of that entity, especially if they founded the organization or business*. But serving leaders recognize that the business is not their business. They view their business as reflected in the following scriptures.  

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it (Ps. 24:1, NIV). 

‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the LORD Almighty  (Haggai 2:8).  

6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).     

For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not? (1 Corinthians 4:7).  

Serving leaders see themselves as stewards rather than owners, they surrender ownership of their business/organization and it deeply impacts the way they lead.  

Serving leaders surrender the organization by acknowledging God’s ownership.   

God loudly declares that everything in the world is His! The land and the financial resources all belong to Him. This includes property deeds, bank accounts, property, equipment, etc. God allows His people to use His property for the time that they are alive. Serving leaders recognize that they are simply stewards of what He has entrusted to them. They seek to be responsible and faithful for what they have to manage whether little or much.  

Some leaders see themselves as owners and work in the business to bring profit to themselves. They take full responsibility for all that happens and focus on success as they define it. But serving leaders acknowledge God’s ownership. They are grateful for the opportunity to manage the organization and seek to do it with excellence. But they do not carry the weight and pressure of ownership. They find peace in being stewards.  

Serving leaders surrender the organization by acknowledging others’ contributions.  

Paul openly acknowledged that his success was dependent on the contributions of others. He “planted” but Apollos “watered” and ultimately God was the one “making it grow.”  

Some leaders only recognize their own contributions and tie their effort to the success of the organization. They start early and stay late because they think that without their diligence the organization will fail. But serving leaders acknowledge that success is not the result of one person’s efforts, but the work of a team. They gladly point out the contributions that others are making to the organization’s growth and ultimately give God the credit for the healthy growth they experience.  

Serving leaders surrender the organization by acknowledging their gifts.     

Paul acknowledged that he planted seeds that produced fruit. But he also recognized that the gifts he possessed were a gift from God, not something he produced on his own. Some leaders see themselves as superior to others and take credit for their own gifts. But serving leaders acknowledge their gifts as a blessing from God. They do not minimize how they are gifted, but they also do not take personal credit for that which they have received.   

Remember, it’s not your business! Serving leaders serve their organizations by surrendering ownership.  

For further reflection and discussion: 

  • How do I view ‘my’ organization, as mine or God’s? Do I feel pressured to make things happen and tie the success of my organization to my value as a person? How can I daily live in the reality that it all belongs to God?  
  • When I reflect on the success experienced in my organization, do I look first at my own contributions, or do I focus on the contributions of others? How can I acknowledge the contributions of my team this week?  
  • Reflect on Paul’s words, “What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” This week, how can I thank those who invested in my own growth and development? (Think about teachers, mentors, persons who opened doors for you, introduced you to significant relationships, those who believed in you before you produced results, etc.)  

Until next time, yours on the journey, 

Jon Byler 

*Note: In this series we’ll use “business” to apply to any type of organization whether for profit or non-profit. The principles of this series apply to for-profit enterprises, non-profits (such as churches or NGO’s) and any other domain of work and service.   

In the next issue, we’ll examine how serving leaders shape the business.  

#374 Nehemiah: Build on Strength™

May 24, 2024 

The vision of Nehemiah to rebuild the wall required a variety of strengths to accomplish. Nehemiah recognized that he did not have all the strengths needed to accomplish the task—he needed a team. He was a great leader but Nehemiah was not capable of doing all that was needed for the building of the wall and community. This included casting vision, strategic thinking, administration, craftsmanship, technical skills, teaching, etc. Serving leaders recognize that there’s no such thing as a well-rounded leader, but there are well-rounded teams. Nehemiah models how serving leaders build teams based on strengths.   

Serving Leaders Build on Strength by acknowledging different roles    

The physical rebuilding needed people who could carry stones, those who were capable of doing masonry work, others skilled in timber and iron construction for the doors, etc. Beyond the construction of the wall, the story of his leadership also demonstrates a wide variety of tasks and roles including goldsmiths and merchants (3:31), guards (4:16), those who blew the trumpet (4:18), messengers (6:3), musicians (7:1, 12:27), keepers of the storerooms, gatekeepers (7:1; 11:21), leaders in charge of different areas (7:2, 70; 11:1, 11;  12:7-8; 15:16), teachers (8:4-8), temple servants (11:21), and priests and Levites (12:1-7). Nehemiah acknowledged all these roles as necessary for achieving the vision. The people doing menial tasks were as essential to the work as the person blowing the trumpet.  

Some leaders see their leadership role as critical but don’t appreciate the person who answers the phone or the one who cleans the floor. But serving leaders recognize that all tasks, even the menial ones, are vital to accomplishing the vision.  They verbally appreciate the role of each member of the team and acknowledge that the different strengths are all necessary.    

Serving Leaders Build on Strength by aligning work with passion  

In the building of the wall there were certainly times when people worked in areas outside of their strength. The job needed to be done! But Nehemiah also deliberately assigned tasks that would align with passion.  One example, “Above the Horse Gate, the priests made repairs, each in front of his own house” (Nehemiah 3:28, NIV). 

Nehemiah strategically placed people to build the wall that was close to their own homes. He knew that they would be more energized to do the work that was near to their heart! He was aligning their work with their passion. Some leaders assign tasks with little thought to whether the person will enjoy doing the work. But serving leaders look not only at ability for a task but passion. They recognize that someone may be very capable of performing a role, but not energized by doing it. Serving leaders look for ability combined with passion.  

Serving Leaders Build on Strength by applauding joint success  

Nehemiah worked hard and the wall was finally completed. Then they celebrated!  

At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, the Levites were sought out from where they lived and were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps and lyres (Nehemiah 12:27). The celebration included two choirs marching around the wall in different directions with sounds that were heard “far away”! Nehemiah applauded the work that the entire community had accomplished.  

Some leaders focus on the work, but never pause to celebrate. Or they focus on an individual accomplishment without acknowledging the work of the team. But serving leaders applaud success and find ways to celebrate the accomplishments of individuals and the team.  

For further reflection and discussion:  

  • How well do I know my own strengths and passions? Am I working to focus more of my time and energy on the things I do especially well?  
  • Do I see the tasks of each person, especially the menial ones, as vital to the success of our team? What have I done this week to affirm the value that each one brings to our team? 
  • When I see someone on my team doing a task well, do I assume that they have passion for that work, or do I inquire about their passion? Ask one or two of them, “If you do this all day long, do you go home energized or drained?” What do I learn from their response? How can I better align my team around passions? 
  • How well does our team celebrate success? What have we done recently that should be celebrated? What do I need to do to ensure that we have the celebration?   
  • Read the story of Nehemiah and reflect on other ways that he demonstrated this action, Build on Strength. Especially reflect on the story of their celebration in chapter 12. What do you observe from his life and in what way can you follow his example?     

Until next time, yours on the journey, 

Jon Byler 

In the next issue, we’ll examine how Nehemiah’s leadership empowered others and prepared for succession.  

Finally, as a free gift to you, Click Here to download one tool to help you put this action into practice in your organization.  

For more information about The Five Actions of Serving Leadership™ read the book, The Serving Leader, or visit www.CenterforServingLeadership.com.

#375 Nehemiah: Upend the Pyramid™

June 5, 2024 

The final action of the Serving Leader Model® is Upend the Pyramid. At the heart of serving leadership is a radically different approach that does not focus on self and personal gain. Serving leaders instead focus on serving the mission of the organization, the people who are a part of the organization, and those served by the organization. Serving leadership turns the traditional model of leadership upside down—they Upend the Pyramid.  

Nehemiah demonstrated serving leadership as he built the wall in Jerusalem and strengthened the city.  He refused to take some of the perks of his role in order to relieve the people of a tax burden (see Nehemiah 5:14-19). Also, consider these glimpses of how his leadership upended the pyramid.  

1After the wall had been rebuilt and I had set the doors in place, the gatekeepers, the musicians and the Levites were appointed. 2 I put in charge of Jerusalem my brother Hanani, along with Hananiah the commander of the citadel, because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most people do (Nehemiah 7:1-2, NIV).  

The second choir proceeded in the opposite direction. I followed them on top of the wall, together with half the people— (Nehemiah 12:38, NIV). 

6 But while all this was going on, I was not in Jerusalem, for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I had returned to the king. Some time later I asked his permission 7and came back to Jerusalem….(Nehemiah 13:6-7a).   

Serving Leaders Upend the Pyramid by delegating authority  

Nehemiah “put in charge…” two men to lead the city and appointed gatekeepers, musicians and Levites. Nehemiah was clearly delegating authority and power to others rather than keeping control of everything himself. Some leaders are reluctant to release power to others but serving leaders focus on releasing rather than keeping power. They delegate carefully and clearly. They recognize that they are in charge to charge others up!   

Serving Leaders Upend the Pyramid by developing people  

As the choir celebrated the great achievement of building the wall, Nehemiah “followed them.” Nehemiah was in the rear by design. He had called for the celebration and delegated authority to musicians and Levites. Now he watched others lead the way and cheered them on from behind. His heart was to see others develop and rise in their own leadership capacity. This development of others extended far beyond helping them learn how to put stones on the wall, he wanted to see them mature as people and as leaders.  

Most leaders assume that they must lead from the front and be the most visible person on the team. They naturally call attention to themselves. But serving leaders are content to cheer from behind, smiling with contentment as they help others grow and develop.  

Serving Leaders Upend the Pyramid by disappearing by design  

“I was not in Jerusalem.” After the wall was built Nehemiah went back to Babylon for some time. Certainly, there were official duties that he needed to fulfill. But Nehemiah was also making space for others to rise up and lead. He was, by design, preparing others to take over his leadership role. Some leaders cannot imagine a time that they will not be in charge and they don’t prepare others for the day they will be gone. But serving leaders understand from the beginning that their own leadership role will one day end. They serve the organization by ensuring that others are prepared to take over at that time. A part of that preparation is intentionally stepping away at times to let others grow and develop. 

For further reflection and discussion: 

  • In what ways am I tempted to do things myself rather than delegate? In what ways have I delegated authority recently? Are there ways that I delegate responsibilities and then don’t give others the power to carry it out? Do I keep an appropriate level of accountability with those I empower?  
  • Who on my team could be developed to a higher level of responsibility? What steps will I take to deliberately develop them?  
  • What am I doing to prepare my team for success after I am no longer the leader? Would it be helpful for them if I disappeared for a time? What do I need to do to better prepare for succession?  
  • Read the story of Nehemiah and reflect on other ways that he demonstrated this action, Upend the Pyramid. What do you observe from his life and in what way can you follow his example?     

Nehemiah was not a perfect leader, but he served well and demonstrated all Five Actions of Serving Leadership™.       

Until next time, yours on the journey, 

Jon Byler 

In the next issue, we’ll begin a new series!  

Finally, as a gift to you, Click Here to download one tool to help you put this action into practice in your organization. For more information about The Five Actions of Serving Leadership™ read the book, The Serving Leader, or visit www.CenterforServingLeadership.com.

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#373 Nehemiah: Blaze the Trail™ 

May 8, 2024 

Nehemiah served the people of Jerusalem by clarifying the vision and calling the people to live by their values. He also demonstrated the third action of serving leaders, Blaze the Trail,  by keeping everyone focused on the mission. Serving leaders clarify for their team what activities bring the success that will accomplish the mission. They ensure that these activities are consistently practiced, and they work to remove any obstacles that would hinder progress toward the mission. One obstacle for Nehemiah was the enemies who wanted to stop the work and distract the workers.    

1When word came to Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall and not a gap was left in it—though up to that time I had not set the doors in the gates—2 Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: “Come, let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono.” But they were scheming to harm me; 3 so I sent messengers to them with this reply: “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” 4 Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer (Nehemiah 6:1-4, NIV).  

Nehemiah’s response models how serving leaders Blaze the Trail for those they lead.  

Serving Leaders Blaze the Trail by mentioning what matters  

Nehemiah responded to the message by stating “I am carrying on a great project.” He wanted it to be clear to those on the wall and those far away that what was critical was not meetings but putting stones on top of one another!  It was hard, sweaty work but Nehemiah understood exactly what would bring success, consistent focus on laying one stone on top of another! This was all that mattered for the mission to be accomplished. And he gave meaning and purpose to the task by calling it a “great project.”  

Some leaders are not crystal clear on what activities will bring success to their organization. Others understand but have not communicated them clearly to everyone on their team. But serving leaders clarify what brings success and make sure that everyone understands.  Serving leaders mention what matters.  

Serving Leaders Blaze the Trail by minimizing distractions  

The invitation for a meeting came under the guise of finding a peaceful resolution to the nagging opposition. Nehemiah recognized that going to a meeting in a nearby village would be a distraction that would take him away from the work for several days. The distraction may have been an attempt to take his life, or to attack the workers while he was not present. In any case, Nehemiah refused to be distracted. “I…cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?”  

Some leaders allow themselves and those around them to focus on things that are not actually important to the mission of the organization. But serving leaders work hard to ensure that everything they are doing is mission critical and that those working with them are doing the same. They remove obstacles and minimize distractions.  

Serving Leaders Blaze the Trail by maintaining consistency     

Nehemiah’s challenge was repeated four times and “each time I gave them the same answer.” He remained consistent and kept his focus on putting one stone on top of the next.  

Some leaders hold true to their mission for a time, but when there are repeated distractions, they lose their focus. But serving leaders keep themselves and everyone else focused on what really matters to the organization. They don’t stifle innovation, but they insist on doing the right things again and again. They serve with consistency.   

For further reflection and discussion: 

  • How clearly do I understand our mission? Do I know what activities bring success to us and what activities are a waste of time? How well do those serving with me understand our success factors? (Use the free tool below to help you with this process.)  
  • What things am I tempted to do often that are not essential to our mission? What do I need to do to eliminate them? For those on my team, what distractions do they face and what can I do to remove them?  
  • How consistently do I focus on activities that bring success to our organization? How does this impact my leadership?  
  • Read the story of Nehemiah and reflect on other ways that he demonstrated this action, Blaze the Trail™. (Focus especially on chapters 4 and 6). What do you observe from his life and in what way can you follow his example?     

Until next time, yours on the journey, 

Jon Byler 

In the next issue, we’ll look at ways that Nehemiah built teams by focusing on strengths.   

Finally, as a free gift to you, click here to download one tool to help you put this action into practice in your organization.  

For more information about The Five Actions of Serving Leadership™ read the book, The Serving Leader, or visit www.CenterforServingLeadership.com.  

#372 Nehemiah: Raise the Bar™

April 24, 2024 

Nehemiah had a clear vision to build the wall, but as a serving leader he was also concerned about the welfare of his people.  During the rebuilding project Nehemiah discovered that many of the people were suffering because of high interest rates charged by their fellow Jews. The wealthy were taking advantage of the poor—lending them money at rates that cost the poor their land and even their own children who were sold to pay debts. Their actions not only violated the law but contradicted the values that Nehemiah wanted to instill in the community. In the midst of the massive building project Nehemiah took action.  

6 When I heard their outcry and these charges, I was very angry. 7 I pondered them in my mind and then accused the nobles and officials. I told them, “You are charging your own people interest!” So I called together a large meeting to deal with them 8 and said: “As far as possible, we have bought back our fellow Jews who were sold to the Gentiles. Now you are selling your own people, only for them to be sold back to us!” They kept quiet, because they could find nothing to say (Nehemiah 5:6-8, NIV).  

He understood that values violations from within the community represented a threat that was as significant as the external opposition he had already faced. Nehemiah recognized that weak values would not build a strong wall. As a serving leader he models the second action, Raise the Bar™ which focuses on identifying, clarifying and embedding core values into the hearts and minds of everyone in the organization.  

Serving Leaders Raise the Bar by defining the values.  

Nehemiah’s comments reveal at least several of the values that he wanted the community to embrace—compassion, integrity and justice. Nehemiah wanted to ensure that everyone understood what values were important and what they looked like in everyday actions. In this case, the values were not being expressed and he wanted the people to understand. In this he succeeded and the people “could find nothing to say.”    

Some leaders simply focus on getting the work done, pressing on to accomplish the vision. They do not understand that values exist whether or not they are articulated and defined. But serving leaders acknowledge that values need to be clearly articulated and understood by every team member. They communicate what the value looks like and what it does not look like. As they do so, they Raise the Bar™ for everyone.   

Serving Leaders Raise the Bar by demonstrating the values.  

Nehemiah says, “As far as possible, we have bought back our fellow Jews who were sold to the Gentiles.” Nehemiah was living out the values he articulated to the group. He had compassion on those who were in bondage and had bought some back from slavery.  

Some leaders talk about values and expect others to live them out, but fail to uphold them. But serving leaders model the way, they demonstrate to others the values they expect them to uphold. This does not mean they are perfect, but even when they fail, they humbly acknowledge their failure and adjust their behavior. 

Serving Leaders Raise the Bar by dealing with values violations.  

“You are charging your own people interest!” Nehemiah was not afraid to address the values violation even in the midst of a very busy project.   

Some leaders ignore values violations, hoping that others won’t notice or that with time, the behaviors will improve. But serving leadership is not weak leadership! Serving leaders, like Nehemiah, Raise the Bar™ by addressing violations of values immediately and courageously. 

For further reflection and discussion: 

  • What three or four values are essential to carrying out my vision?  
  • How clearly does my team know these values? Do they understand what the values look like in everyday activities? Do they understand what behaviors are a violation of those values?  
  • Are there ways my actions in the past week have violated any of the values I just listed? How does this impact my leadership?  
  • What is my typical response when I observe values violations on my team? How does this impact my leadership? What do I need to do to strengthen my leadership in this area? Are there current conversations that I need to have to address values violations? When will I do this?  
  • Read the story of Nehemiah and reflect on other ways that he demonstrated this action, Raise the Bar™. (See especially the full context of chapter 5 and also his actions in chapter 10.) What do you observe from his life and in what way can you follow his example?     

Until next time, yours on the journey, 

Jon Byler 

In the next issue, we’ll examine how Nehemiah brought clarity about his mission.  

Finally, as a free gift to you, click here to download one tool to help you identify and define your core values. 

For more information about The Five Actions of Serving Leadership™ read the book, The Serving Leader, or visit www.CenterforServingLeadership.com.