I want to take a moment to wish you, your family and those you serve a blessed Christmas. We pause at this time of the year to celebrate the birth of Jesus who changed the course of history in so many ways. His example of suffering, humility and giving His life for the sake of others showed us a radically different way to lead. After years of reflections and seeking to emulate His example, I still find that there is so much more to learn!
I’m privileged to walk with you on the journey to become more like Him. I want to thank you for taking your time to read these reflections over the past year. And to those who have encouraged others to subscribe, I’m grateful! At any point, I welcome your thoughts or suggestions for improvements or ideas for topics that would be helpful to you.
I also want to thank those who help get this out to you every two weeks. Linda Boll and Milonica Stahl-Wert carefully edit every issue. Brian Drewery makes the technology work to get the issues out. And Gabriel Mandrazo and Grace Kacheto volunteer their time to translate these into Spanish and Chichewa. I’m so grateful for each one.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! I’ll be traveling to Kenya this year to celebrate Christmas with my wife’s family where I’m sure a slaughtered goat will be on the menu!
God bless you as you continue your own leadership journey!
Yours because of Jesus,
Jon Byler