
Bi-weekly inspiration for leaders who change their world by serving

December 23, 2020

Christmas Greetings to You!

Dear Friend,

Once again we are privileged to celebrate at Christmas God’s precious gift to us. The birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus changed the course of history and our own lives. The example of leadership which Jesus provided continues to be a model for countless leaders around the world. His sacrificial love, selfless service, deep humility, bold confrontations, and gentle touches call all of us to a higher commitment to serve those we lead.

Our world is in the midst of struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic on top of political divisions, social conflict, and natural disasters. At this time leaders who live, love and lead like Jesus are needed more than ever. My prayer this Christmas season is for each of us to rise up and do what we can in our part of the world to create places where people can flourish.

I deeply appreciate you as a reader of these issues and hope that they will continue to bless you into the new year.

Merry Christmas!

Yours on the journey,

Jon Byler

Reflections for Serving Leaders is published by Center for Serving Leadership and Jon Byler. Copyright, 2020

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